(function($) { "use strict"; var PENCI = PENCI || {}; /* General functions ---------------------------------------------------------------*/ PENCI.general = function () { // Top search $( '#top-search a.search-click' ).on( 'click', function () { $( '.show-search' ).fadeToggle(); $( '.show-search input.search-input' ).focus(); } ); // Go to top $( '.go-to-top, .penci-go-to-top-floating' ).on( 'click', function () { $( 'html, body' ).animate( { scrollTop: 0 }, 700 ); return false; } ); // Lazyload $('.penci-lazy').Lazy({ effect: 'fadeIn', effectTime: 300, scrollDirection: 'both' }); // Go to top button var $goto_button = $( '.penci-go-to-top-floating' ); if ( $goto_button.length ) { $(document).scroll(function() { var y = $(this).scrollTop(); if ( y > 300) { $goto_button.addClass('show-up'); } else { $goto_button.removeClass('show-up'); } } ); } } /* Sticky main navigation ---------------------------------------------------------------*/ PENCI.main_sticky = function () { if ( $().sticky && ! $( "nav#navigation" ).hasClass( 'penci-disable-sticky-nav' ) ) { var spaceTop = 0; if ( $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'admin-bar' ) ) { spaceTop = 32; } $( "nav#navigation" ).each( function () { $( this ).sticky( { topSpacing: spaceTop } ); } ); } // sticky } /* Fix margin headline ----------------------------------------------------------------*/ PENCI.fixheadline = function () { var $headline_title = $( '.penci-headline .headline-title' ); if ( $headline_title.length ) { var headline_w = $headline_title.outerWidth() + 70; $('.penci-headline-posts' ).css( 'margin-left', headline_w + 'px' ); $('.rtl .penci-headline-posts' ).css( 'margin-left', 0 + 'px' ); $('.rtl .penci-headline-posts' ).css( 'margin-right', headline_w + 'px' ); } } /* Homepage Featured Slider ---------------------------------------------------------------*/ PENCI.featured_slider = function () { if ( $().owlCarousel ) { $( '.featured-area .penci-owl-featured-area' ).each( function () { var $this = $( this ), $style = $this.data( 'style' ), $auto = false, $autotime = $this.data( 'autotime' ), $speed = $this.data( 'speed' ), $loop = $this.data('loop'), $item = 1, $nav = true, $dots = false, $rtl = false, $items_desktop = 1, $items_tablet = 1, $items_tabsmall = 1; 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owl_args['margin'] = 10; owl_args['autoWidth'] = true; } else if( $style === 'style-28' ) { owl_args['margin'] = 4; owl_args['items'] = 6; owl_args['autoWidth'] = true; } $this.owlCarousel( owl_args ); if( $style === 'style-2' || $style === 'style-5' || $style === 'style-28' || $style === 'style-29' ) { $this.on( 'changed.owl.carousel', function ( event ) { $this.find( '.penci-lazy' ).Lazy( { effect: 'fadeIn', effectTime: 300, scrollDirection: 'both' } ); } ); } } ); } // if owlcarousel } /* Owl Slider General ---------------------------------------------------------------*/ PENCI.owl_slider = function () { if ( $().owlCarousel ) { $( '.penci-owl-carousel-slider' ).each( function () { var $this = $( this ), $auto = true, $dots = false, $nav = true, $loop = true, $rtl = false, $dataauto = $this.data( 'auto' ), $items_desktop = 1, $items_tablet = 1, $items_tabsmall = 1, $speed = 600, $item = 1, $autotime = 5000, $datalazy = false; if( $('html').attr('dir') === 'rtl' ) { $rtl = true; } if ( $this.attr('data-dots') ) { $dots = true; 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$parentA.removeClass( 'cat-active' ); $this.addClass( 'cat-active' ); $rows.hide(); $parent.find( '.' + $row_active ).fadeIn( '300' ).css( 'display', 'inline-block' ); } } ); } /* Mobile menu responsive ----------------------------------------------------------------*/ PENCI.mobile_menu = function () { // Add indicator $( '#sidebar-nav .menu li.menu-item-has-children > a' ).append( '' ); $( '#sidebar-nav .penci-mega-child-categories' ).closest('li.penci-mega-menu' ).children('a').append( '' ); // Toggle menu when click show/hide menu $( '#navigation .button-menu-mobile' ).on( 'click', function () { $( 'body' ).addClass( 'open-sidebar-nav' ); } ); // indicator click $( '#sidebar-nav .menu li a .indicator' ).on( 'click', function ( e ) { var $this = $( this ); e.preventDefault(); $this.children().toggleClass( 'fa-angle-up' ); $this.parent().next().slideToggle( 'fast' ); } ); // Close sidebar nav $( '#close-sidebar-nav' ).on( 'click', function () { $( 'body' ).removeClass( 'open-sidebar-nav' ); } ); } /* Light box ----------------------------------------------------------------*/ PENCI.lightbox = function () { if ( $().magnificPopup) { $( 'a[data-rel^="penci-gallery-image-content"], .penci-enable-lightbox .gallery-item a' ).magnificPopup( { type : 'image', closeOnContentClick: true, closeBtnInside : false, fixedContentPos : true, image : { verticalFit: true }, gallery : { enabled: true }, zoom : { enabled : true, duration: 300 // don't foget to change the duration also in CSS } } ); // Enable lightbox videos $('.penci-other-layouts-lighbox').magnificPopup( { type: 'iframe', mainClass: 'mfp-fade', fixedContentPos : true, closeBtnInside : false, closeOnContentClick: true } ); } // if magnificPopup exists } /* Masonry layout ----------------------------------------------------------------*/ PENCI.masonry = function() { $(window).load(function() { var $masonry_container = $( '.penci-masonry' ); if ( $masonry_container.length ) { $masonry_container.each( function () { var $this = $( this ); // initialize isotope $this.isotope( { itemSelector : '.item-masonry', transitionDuration: '.55s', layoutMode : 'masonry' } ); } ); } }); } /* Video Background ----------------------------------------------------------------*/ PENCI.video_background = function() { var $penci_videobg = $( '#penci-featured-video-bg' ); if ( $().mb_YTPlayer && $penci_videobg.length ) { $(window ).load( function() { $("#penci-featured-video-bg").mb_YTPlayer(); setTimeout(function(){ $('.featured-area').addClass( 'loaded-wait' ).append('
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' + $title + '
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